Winter- a time for self reflection

During these colder months, it is important to take some time to self reflect and see in what ways you have gotten closer to yourself in the past year. Getting closer to yourself means, hearing your own needs, communicating them, setting boundaries when you need to, and just honoring the spirit that you are. Different stages of the year offer different expressions of self.  Winter is a collective time of going inward, slowing down, resting and self reflecting. Are you giving yourself that time? Yes, it is a productive thing to do to rest. It helps your psyche to process the year before stepping foot into the next cycle. Spring, a time of setting intention, planting the seeds, and cultivating your hopes and dreams. Summer is a time of getting out there and getting things done, Fall a time of harvesting the fruit of your labor, and Winter again is a time to rest, reflect so that you can start anew. These are the particular energies offered by Mother Nature, and if we can tune in to take care of ourselves accordingly, we will feel more alive and aligned. Sending love warmth and peace to all who are reading this post. Remember to slow down, cozy up, and take care of your self… Happy Holidays to All..